Strawberry Reset Salad

It’s been a long year, to say the least, and many of us could use a reset. After a winter of heavy meals, I'm ready to reset with this salad that is full of powerful antioxidants and beneficial fiber. It may not cure cabin fever but it will certainly give your body a hearty reprieve.

Prep Time: 1 hr 15 mins
Cook Time: 20 - 25 mins
Serves: 2 - 3

Balsalmic Vinegar Dressing Ingredients:

  • ½ cup quality balsamic vinegar
  • ½ cup of extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tsp whole grain mustard
  • ¼ tsp of ground sea-salt
  • ⅛ tsp ground black pepper

Wisk all ingredients EXCEPT olive oil in a medium mixing bowl. Once ingredients are mixed you may slowly add olive oil while continuing to wisk to ensure proper emulsion. You can also shake all of the ingredients in a shaker. This will yield a cup of dressing, which is more than a single serving.

Salad Ingredients

  • ¼ cup Tannenbaum's Strawberry, Mint & Basil Sauce (marinade)
  • 2 boneless/skinless chicken breasts, butterflied to create 4 thinner slices of chicken
  • 2 cups sliced strawberries
  • 6 cups fresh spinach leaves or spring mix 
  • ½ cup edamame steamed/prepared 
  • thinly sliced red onion, think 3-4 rings then chopped
  • ¼ cup goat cheese or feta
  • 2 tbsp sliced almonds, walnuts, cashews or sesame seeds 

Remove chicken from package and butterfly each breast in order to reduce the thickness and create 4 smaller pieces. Add ¼ cup of Tannenbaum's Strawberry, Mint & Basil Sauce to 4 chicken pieces in a medium size bowl. Cover and place in refrigerator for no less than 1 hour. Take this time to prepare other ingredients for salad or reflect on bigger matters. I recommend putting on Kind of Blue by Miles Davis to help create ambiance. 

Take a large bowl and place clean leaves inside, whether you are doing just one of the suggestions or a combination, you will want to make sure they are rinsed properly. Add: sliced strawberries, steamed and shelled edamame (cool down before adding so you don’t wilt your freshly washed leaves), thinly sliced and chopped red onion, nuts or seeds choice, and your delightful cheese choice (either will go so well).

Back to our chicken! There are a few ways you can prepare your chicken for your delicious salad: you may use your grill, oven or stove-top skillet. Medium-high heat is appropriate for grill and stove-top, while suggesting a pre-heat setting of 375°F for your oven. The thinner your chicken breasts, the quicker they will reach an internal temp of 165°F for at least 15 seconds preventing foodborne illness. I like to let it rest a few minutes while I tidy up my workspace. Slice and add chicken pieces to your salad mix and drizzle your homemade sugar-free balsamic vinaigrette. Squeeze a lemon slice for an extra tartness appeal. Enjoy!

Stay fresh friends! – Harvey Tannenbaum

"How do I choose flavors? I really don’t know. I started off with apricot because I like apricots. Then it becomes a game to see what other fruits would work. My wife likes strawberries, so I did some strawberry. It just comes to me."